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Technology No. 47411

The EarlyEdU Alliance is a higher education collaboration committed to making bachelor’s degrees accessible, affordable, and relevant for the early childhood workforce.

The EarlyEdU Alliance developed in-person and online competency-based higher education courses and the Coaching Companion, a video sharing and coaching platform that enables students and instructors to engage in meaningful feedback dialogue via a virtual community of practice.

Join the EarlyEdU Alliance to become part of a diverse community of higher education, government, non-profit, and philanthropic stakeholders dedicated to strengthening the nation’s early education workforce.

For more information: http://www.earlyedualliance.org

Available Licenses:

EarlyEdU Individual Membership:

To license this product, please go to the EarlyEdU website at: https://members.earlyedualliance.org/individual_registration/, and review and complete the clickthrough agreement.

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