The Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility (PLUS-M™) is a bank of calibrated questions for measuring mobility of adults with lower limb amputation. The PLUS-M™ item bank has been rigorously developed using modern psychometric methodology and is intended for use in clinical practice and research. PLUS-M™ instruments (i.e., computer adaptive test and short forms) are based on the PLUS-M™ item bank. Information about PLUS-M™ can be found on our website at
International Requests:
University of Washington agreements require additional review if the requesting entity is located in, or affiliated with the government of, China (Including Hong Kong; not including Taiwan), Iran, North Korea, Russia, or Syria. For requests from these countries, please allow for an additional month of processing time for a response.Available Licenses
PLUS-M™ instruments may be used without a license agreement when they are used solely for research, patient care, or educational activities. Users must obtain a paid license agreement when integrating PLUS-M™ instruments into commercial technology products, including electronic medical record software, mobile applications, or access-limited instrument repositories. For questions about whether a license agreement is required, please contact the developers at Product License
To license this product, please select the desired option(s) to the right. A basic technology product license allows for in-product administration of PLUS-M™ 7- and 12-item short forms and/or administration of the PLUS-M™ item bank via computerized adaptive test. Note that administration software is not included with this license. Licensees may request in-product administration of PLUS-M™ custom short forms for an additional fee.-
swap_vertical_circlelibrary_booksReferences (5)
- Hafner BJ, Amtmann D, Morgan SJ, et al. (04/2023), Development of an item bank for measuring prosthetic mobility in people with lower limb amputation: The Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility (PLUS-M), PM&R, 15(4), 456-473
- Hafner BJ, Gaunaurd IA, Morgan SJ, et al. (2017), Construct validity of the Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility (PLUS-M) in adults with lower limb amputation, Arch Phys Med Rehabil., 98(2), 277-285
- Hafner BJ, Morgan SJ and Askew RL, et al. (2016), Psychometric evaluation of self-report outcome measures for prosthetic applications, J Rehabil Res Dev., 53(6), 797-812
- Morgan SJ, Amtmann D, Abrahamson DC, et al. (2014), Use of cognitive interviews in the development of the PLUS-M item bank, Qual Life Res., 23(6), 1767-75
- Hafner BJ, Morgan SJ, Abrahamson DC and Amtmann D. (2016), Characterizing mobility from the prosthetic limb user's perspective: Use of focus groups to guide development of the Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility, Prosthet Orthot Int., 40(5), 582-90
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (4)PLUS-M_Users_Guide_US_ENGLISH_v1.2.pdf (1 MB)DOWNLOADPLUS-M_7-Item_SF_US_ENGLISH_v1.2.pdf (149 KB)DOWNLOADPLUS-M_12-Item_SF_US_ENGLISH_v1.2.pdf (180 KB)DOWNLOADPLUS-M_Development_Article.pdf (1 MB)DOWNLOADAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.