Wraparound Fidelity Index – Short Form, Version EZ (WFI-EZ) (WERT)

Technology No. 6985

The Wraparound Fidelity Index - Short Form, (WFI-EZ) is a self-report survey of care coordinators/facilitators, caregivers or parents, youth, and Wraparound team members aimed at assessing adherence to the principles and practices of high-quality Wraparound care coordination. Data collected from these respondents’ surveys result in quantitative summaries of wraparound fidelity for the program or community.

In addition to data gathering forms (online and paper versions), the WFI-EZ also includes training materials, user manuals, and access to the next generation data entry and reporting system, WrapStat. WFI-EZ is one component of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS), a multi-method approach to assessing the quality of individualized care coordination for children and youth with complex needs and their families developed by UW WERT, UW School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

For more information: http://depts.washington.edu/wrapeval/

International Requests:

University of Washington agreements require additional review if the requesting entity is located in, or affiliated with the government of, China (Including Hong Kong; not including Taiwan), Iran, North Korea, Russia, or Syria. For requests from these countries, please allow for an additional month of processing time for a response.

Available Licenses

Wraparound Fidelity Index - Short Form (WFI-EZ) with WrapStat License Agreement:

To license this product, please download the applicable license document from the "Supporting documents" section below. Fill out the necessary fields, obtain the appropriate signatures, and send the completed document to UW CoMotion at license@uw.edu for final review and signature.

  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (2)
    Product brochure
    Wraparound Fidelity Index – Short Form, Version EZ (WFI-EZ) (WERT).pdf
    WFI-EZ WrapStat w BAA.pdf (324 KB)
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