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3D Printable Hydrogel Materials

This technology offers a series of hydrogel compositions that are responsive to temperature, applied pressure, and chemical crosslinking. The hydrogel does not degrade in water and is consistent in production and mechanical properties for specific applications.

A Generalized PSS Architecture for Balancing Transient and Small-Signal Response

This technology offers a power system stabilizer architecture to improve the control and interactions in bulk system dynamics. It utilizes a real-time estimates of the center-of-inertia speed and create a flexible set of trade-offs between transient and small-signal response.

A Method to Direct the Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Ameloblasts and Odontoblasts

These present technologies offer a foundation for the development of periodontal regenerative therapies and further study of periodontal diseases affecting enamel and dentin formation.

A PDMS-Acrylate Resin for Stereolithographic 3D-Printing of PDMS

This technology offers an automated 3D fabrication of PDMS-acrylate resin for custom microfluidics. This development could be used for high-throughput and autonomous microfluidics, soft-robotics, point-of-care diagnostics, implantable microdevices, tissue engineering and organ-on-a-chip systems.

Accurate Fluorescein Optical pH Sensing of Biofilms on Teeth and Food

This technology offers accurate optical pH sensing for biofilms using multiple wavelength emissions for data processing. This system can prevent tooth and gum disease before it occurs and produce proper patient care.

Acoustic Field Patterning of Battery Electrodes

Application of acoustic fields while making a battery electrode can rapidly transform a random slurry of battery materials into organized structures, regardless of what those exact materials may be. This change boosts both how much energy the battery can store and how fast it can charge, sidestepping a fundamental tradeoff in conventional battery manufacturing.

Active Control of Vortices for Skin Friction Reduction

This technology offers active control of stationary vortices for aerodynamic structures to reduce CO2 emissions. This system enables skin friction reduction, a reduced drag, and an increased thermodynamic efficiency in engine use cases.

Activity-Dependent Human Brain Surface Stimulation for Recovery from Stroke and Other Brain Injuries

This technology improves or restores neural function in the brain for patients recovering from stroke. This system is a closed-loop stimulation that detects residual movement or muscular activity, and patterns to two brain sites, controlled either by preprogrammed sequences or contingent on neural or muscular activity or movement.

Adaptive Illuminance Control of Uniform and Uneven Topographies

This technology offers a shape adaptive lighting for non-uniform topographies in robust machine vision and inspection. This system can allow the generation of different lighting patterns, structures, and colors for complex, reflective components, and improve classical imaging capturing systems.

Advanced Tools for Molecular Profiling and RNA Interaction Analysis

The solution is a set of innovative tools leveraging oligonucleotide-directed biolabeling for enhanced molecular profiling and RNA interaction analysis within their native cellular context.

AI-triaged 3D Pathology

Innovations in medical imaging techniques more and more medical information to be gathered from a single biopsy sample, but pathologist review of such large datasets becomes prohibitively time intensive. This technology provides an AI-driven method for the triage of a 3D pathology dataset for review by a doctor, with areas of concern elevated to the doctor’s attention for review in order to detect disease faster and more accurately.

Air-Breathing Plasma Thruster With a Variable Spacing Cathode

This technology offers a platform for indefinite space flight using high-altitude air-breathing plasma thrusters and does not require on-board propellant. This system can accommodate varying air densities and be mechanically tuned between the thruster’s anode and cathodes.

Amyloidogenic Peptide Traps: A Novel Approach to Amyloid-Related Diseases

This technology is a novel method to design protein scaffolds to bind and neutralize amyloid-forming proteins, offering a potential therapeutic intervention for diseases associated with amyloid fibrils.

An RNA-Only, Positive Control Target for Clinical Diagnostic Testing

The technology is a robust control system that enables users to readily distinguish between DNA and RNA in bacteria.

Analog Front-End Circuitry for Biphasic Stimulus Signal Delivery Finding Use in Neural Stimulation

This technology uses a low voltage and modern bulk- complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor design that are highly programmable and allow experimentation with waveforms and simulation patterns for topologies.

Antibody-Based Inhibition of Uropathogenic E. coli Adhesion

The technology offers innovative antibody compositions that target the FimH adhesin of uropathogenic E. coli, preventing bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation.

Augmenting the Brain and Nervous System with Self-Learning Artificial Networks for Rewiring Neural Circuits

This technology offers a system for restoring or enhancing neural function by inducing new neural connections in the nervous system of a subject that directly records and/or stimulates the brain. The computing device implements self-learning deep recurrent neural networks as the two artificial networks.

Automated Method for Editing Surgical Videos

This technology offers a semi-automated method for video editing surgical videos. It runs full-length videos through a software where the outputs are edited via a computational model with biological tissue and surgical tool recognition.

Automated Monitoring System for Biomechanical Postural Assessment

This technology offers an automated analysis software that can assess postures onsite and in real-time. It can provide reader-friendly reports using a standard digital camera and monitor human postures in real-time.

Automated Opportunistic Screening for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects millions of the aging United States population, yet screening for it is below recommended rates. By using pre-existing data to opportunistically search for fractures in vertebral bodies that could indicate osteoporosis, many more cases could be found. This approach uses deep learning technology to search for spinal osteoporotic compression fractures within commonly taken radiograph images acquired for other purposes.

Autonomous Vehicle Platoons Robust Against Communication and Sensor Failure

Platoons of autonomous vehicles controlled by a centralized adaptive cruise control are vulnerable to disruptions in communications between cars, and unreliable sensing information of the vehicles around them. By building methods to simulate a centralized command during communication loss, and to establish safety margins based on still-reliable sensor information during a sensor failure, a platoon of vehicles can guarantee safety in even emergency situations while suffering communication and sensor loss.

Axle-Rotor Protein Assemblies: A New Frontier in Protein Nanomachines

This technology offers the design of innovative protein nanomachines, featuring unique axle and rotor components. These assemblies have potential applications in various fields, including nanotechnology and biomedicine.

Bikunin Biomimetic with Anti-Inflammatory and Antiviral Activity

The solution is a serine protease inhibitor, bikunin, that plays a role in controlling the early immune response to Influenza A virus.

Bile Detection Device for Intenstinal Obstruction and Methods of Use

Rotational abnormalities of the small bowel, known as Midgut volvulus, is a rare condition but left undiagnosed for over six hours may result in prolonged hospitalization, an intestinal transplant, or even fatal. Biloccult is a reliable and rapid handheld device to detect the bile in vomit using an enclosed and encased testing strip. The first component of the device neutralizes the vomit and allows analytes to pass while the second component has antibodies that will bind to the analytes for detection.

Biopsy Sample Manipulation and Imaging System

This technology offers a more precise imaging method of biological specimen by imaging around the circumferential surface. An elastic tube holds the specimen while automatically rotating for the specimen for imaging and reduces the processing of distorted images.

Bioresorbable Intestinal Stent

The system is a bioresorbable internal tubular stent to be placed inside the intestine to minimize anastomotic leaking in gastrointestinal surgical patients. The device is secured with micro-barbs, with an accompanying external compressive ring on the outside, and is surgically placed between the two organs.

BSA-Based Resin for Vat Photopolymerization

This technology offers a bovine serum albumin-based resin for stereolithographic apparatus 3D printing. This method affords bioplastic objects with shape-memory behavior and enables superior mechanical performance.

CandyCollect: A User-friendly Saliva Sampling Device for Respiratory Pathogens

CandyCollect is a lollipop-inspired saliva sampling device aimed at improving both the ease and accuracy of testing children for respiratory conditions such as strep throat. Coupling open fluidic design with a familiar form factor, even young children need minimal instruction on how to use it. This innovation will allow high quality saliva samples to be collected at home, without the need for an uncomfortable throat swab.

CapHarvester: A Stick-on Capacitive Energy Harvester Using Stray Electric Field from AC Power Lines

CapHarvester aims to replace cumbersome battery power for IoT devices by harnessing the energy from stray electric fields surrounding AC power lines in a home. It avoids the need for an ohmic connection to ground through a capacitive coupling-generated ground reference, allowing for diverse application and placement with minimal safety hazards.

Carbon-11 PET Radiotracer for Alpha1A Adrenoceptors

The solution is a novel carbon-11 radiotracer that binds selectively to alpha1A adrenoceptor and can be visualized through positron emission tomography imaging.

CD36-Binding Aptamers for Targeted Drug Delivery

This technology offers CD36-binding aptamers with various potential applications, including the isolation or depletion of monocytes or macrophages, targeting platelets, and delivering drugs specifically to sites of inflammation or injury.

CD62L (L-Selectin) Aptamer for T Cell Isolation

A novel aptamer technology designed to isolate naïve and memory T cells by targeting the CD62L (L-Selectin) marker, facilitating applications in diagnostics, therapeutics, and research. The aptamer can also be used to detect soluble CD62L, a potential diagnostic marker for various diseases.

Cell Barcoding for Multiplexed Pooled Screening of Perturbations in Cells

The solution is a novel pooled screening approach, called CellCode, that utilizes lentiviral barcoded libraries to encode perturbation histories in cells that are then decoded in downstream assays.

Clearsight MicroPuncture

The solution is a novel micro puncture balloon catheter system that makes the Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) procedure safer, easier, and more accessible.

Clinically-Oriented Optimization in Distributed Training for Fully Embedded aDBS

This technology offers a training procedure that permits a reliable collection of training data and a supervised machine learning algorithm for personalized clinical training and adaptive deep brain stimulation classifiers.

Closed-loop High-fidelity Simulation Integrating Finite Element Modeling with Feedback Controls in Additive Manufacturing

This technology offers a first instance closed-loop simulation framework to quickly survey a parameter space by comparing feedback control results with experimental and analytical solutions. This computational architecture can be beneficial with costly and time-consuming experiments.

CocoBot (Caring for Caregivers Online)

CocoBot is an online platform designed to assist family caregivers of patients with chronic conditions, providing personalized, evidence-based interventions. It integrates with patient health records and uses advanced natural language processing to aid providers in interacting with family caregivers and supporting the caregivers' own wellbeing.

Combinatorial Barcoding for Protein Identification

This technology is a novel method for protein identification using combinatorial barcoding, offering a unique approach to analyze complex mixtures of proteins.

Compliant Adhesion: Local Suction Generation on Compliant Membranes

This technology offers softer and smaller possible pressure sources into vacuums near suction points. The suction attachment will address the concerns of tubes collapsing under vacuum.

Computationally Generated Grippers

This technology offers a custom gripper that can pick up a wide range of objects through the calculation of the optimal lifting points.

Constitutively Active cGAS for Enhanced Immune Response

This technology involves the design of constitutively active cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) mutants that stimulate a robust immune response without the need for DNA binding.

Contactless Infant Monitoring using White Noise

This contactless infant monitoring system uses white noise to track motion and respiration during sleep. By leveraging a common smart speaker, the system emits white noise that reflects off the infant's body, allowing for accurate monitoring without physical contact. This technology ensures a safer and more comfortable sleep environment for infants, addressing a critical need for non-invasive respiratory monitoring.

Custom Transmembrane β-Barrel Proteins

This technology involves the design of eight-stranded transmembrane β-barrel proteins (TMBs) with no homology to known TMBs, offering potential for a wide range of synthetic biology applications.

Cyborg Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cells for Targeted Cancer Immunotherapies

This technology involves the in situ bioconjugation of synthetic peptides onto universal chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells, enhancing their ability to target and destroy cancer cells.

Cytosolic Delivery of Biologics

Innovative noncovalent tags enable efficient delivery of macrobiomolecules, such as siRNA and proteins, directly into the cytosol, bypassing traditional endocytic pathways.

De Novo Design of ABC Heterotrimeric Proteins

The technology is a novel method for designing ABC heterotrimeric proteins de novo, offering potential applications in biotechnology and medicine.

De Novo Designed Non-Local Beta Sheet Proteins

This technology offers innovative beta-sheet proteins designed for high stability and accuracy, offering new possibilities in biotechnology and therapeutic applications.

De Novo Designed Oligomeric Proteins that Modulate Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling and Vascular Differentiation

The solution is a cyclic homo-oligomeric fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor binding module with tunable geometric properties that modulates activity of isoform-specific FGF signaling.

Deep Learning Approaches for Protein Scaffolding

This technology uses advanced deep learning methods to design proteins with specific functional sites, offering a novel approach to protein design that is both efficient and versatile.

Deep Learning Models for Automated Unbiased Measurement of Podocyte Foot Process Width

The solution is an automated foot process width estimation software that uses deep learning to automatically calculate the average podocyte foot process width and reduce the time it takes to assess kidney disease progression.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Shaping Neural Activity and Augmenting or Restoring Neural Function

This technology offers augmented or restored brain and nervous system function by adaptively transforming neural signals from one area to stimulate another area of the nervous system to achieve a rehabilitation outcome in stroke survivors.

Deformable Self-balancing Adhesion Grippers

This technology offers a gripper for irregular surfaces where these mechanisms can be combinations of 1D or 2D self-balancing and self-similar structures.

Dental Demineralization Detection

This technology offers an optical imaging for early detection of this enamel decay leading to intervention before cavity formation. Demineralization indicators can be quantified using laser-induced autofluorescence which is a reliable, safe, and low-cost alternative to the current inconsistent X-ray and visual inspections.

Deployable Tubular Biopsy Device

This technology offers a biopsy tool design for the bile duct biopsy procedure. This method allows for improved navigational accuracy using thin, circumferential blades supported by a hollow sheath and actuated by a helical plunger.

Di-Nitro Compound Internal Exchange Reporter for Mass Spectrometry

The innovation offers a collection of compounds that serve as internal exchange reporters (IERs) of exchange conditions with a superior ability to overcome challenges in reproducibility of Hydrogen/Deuterium exchange studies for the determination of protein structure.

DNA Repair in the Brain through Targeted Nanoparticle Delivery of NAD+ Precursors

When brain cell DNA is damaged by disease, the cell's attempts to repair the DNA can dry up crucial resources needed to maintain the cell's energy, eventually leading to cell death. This technology aims to replenish these resources by using cost-effective, highly customizable nanopeptoids to deliver building blocks for the needed resources and achieve the first effective method for targeted energy regeneration in the brain. This both aids the repair of DNA and helps to prevent cell death.

Drill Guide System for Suture Anchor Insertion

The innovation offers specially engineered orthopedic drill guides for installation of suture anchors with minimal disruption of surrounding healthy tissue.

Dual Feedback Loops for Integrated Voltage and Clock Regulation

This technology offers an improved all-digital unified clock with power architecture to regulate a clock signal and a supply voltage in a single loop. This device allows for a more efficient operation of digital load to perform quicker computations than the existing digital systems with a first control loop and second control loop operating independently.

Efficient Duplex Sequencing Using High Fidelity Next Generation Sequencing Reads

The innovation is a library preparation technique that produces an error-corrected nucleic acid library for sequencing.

Endoscope Steering Mechanism with Everted Tube Introducer

This technology is a teleoperated bladder scanning robot to perform cystoscopies in rural settings. This system is a soft balloon-like tube pressurized and placed into the urethra to allow endoscope travel to the bladder opening.

Energy-Efficient Fusion Bonding with RF Heating

Polymers and composites are crucial materials for automotive and aerospace manufacturing but require new methods to weld them to other materials. Through the use of RF heating, energy can be efficiently targeted to heat up the desired weld. The technology uses a closed-loop system with high automation, controlling the heating power through onboard sensor data for consistent welds.

Energy-Efficient Modulated Backscatter Devices for Wireless Communication

This suite of technologies offers a versatile solution for low-energy wireless communication by creating a backscatter modulation communication device capable of working directly with conventional wireless receivers without specialized hardware.

Energy-Efficient Strain-Programmable Probabilistic Bits

The manipulation of quantum properties of electrons to store information has been used for decades, and its continued study is key to the development of new fields such as spintronics and quantum computing. The discovery of strain-induced properties of stacked CrSBr layers promises advances in both unparalleled control of key material properties, as well as energy efficiency, in the development of new information storage components.

Enhanced Security and Safety in Telerobotic Systems

Existing telerobotics systems are vulnerable to security threats that create hostile operating environments, which can be time sensitive. This technology offers a specialized coprocessor in telerobotic systems, specifically in surgical systems that guarantee information security using authentication and monitoring algorithms.

Enriched Nanopore Sequencing Using Real-Time Sequence Analysis

The solution is the combination of a Scalable Metagenomics Alignment Research Tool (SMART) with nanopore “Read Until” sequencing to create a point-of-service, real-time selective sequencing platform that can detect and identify pathogens or other DNA/RNA of interest.

Enzymatic Synthesis of DNA Containing Non-Standard Nucleotide Basepairs

The solution is a strategy for enzymatic synthesis of double-stranded DNA oligonucleotides that contain modified natural bases and xenonucleobases, including up to 12 different nucleotides that form six orthogonal pairs.

Expanded Hydrated Vanadate for Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries

By using manganese cations to stabilize hydrated vanadium oxide cathodes, this technology enables a practical zinc-ion battery with the potential to exceed the capacity of today’s lithium-ion technology.

Extendable Flex Shaft

This technology offers a flexible, extendable torque transmission device that is easily fabricated and reduces the mechanical complexity of the current approaches. The system gains its mechanical properties by wrapping a repeated geometric tiling to create a hollow cylinder.

Fast Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping for Quantitative Brain Assessment

A novel method for rapid and accurate mapping of macromolecular proton fraction (MPF) from magnetic resonance images (MRIs), enhancing diagnostic and disease monitoring capabilities for neurological conditions.

Fluidic Device and Methods of Use for Processing Tissue for Pathology

This technology offers a method to process intact core biopsies or large tissue biospecimens for 3D imaging. A microfluidic device flows formalin fluid in an enclosed chamber to completely fix the tissue and allow high throughput processing at a faster rate.

GAGE-seq: Integrated Profiling of 3D Genome Organization and Gene Expression in Single Cells

GAGE-seq is a single-cell technology that simultaneously measures 3D genome structure and gene expression, providing comprehensive insights into cellular functions and identity.

Globular Protein Preparation and Deposition as a 3D Printing Substrate

Advancements in tissue engineering and bioprinting are challenged by the lack of available materials to improve hydrogel developments. The incorporation of affordable and naturally sourced tannic acid (TA) in hydrogels can tune the swelling behavior and mechanical properties for 3D printing.

Gloved Human-Machine Interface

This technology offers a vibrotactile feedback consisting of several systems, devices, circuits, or user interfaces adapted for activities for a bulky glove wearer that comprise tracking movement of the gloved hand and interpreting a gloved finger movement of a human.

Glycosylated Nanoparticles for Vaccines

The solution is a method to engineer glycoproteins onto the surface of protein nanoparticle vaccine scaffolds to enhance vaccine-elicited immune responses.

HemoLens: Non-Contact Optical Screening for Fecal Occult Blood

HemoLens is a non-contact optical screening method for the detection of fecal occult blood in stool samples. The presence of fecal occult blood can be a sign of a number of serious conditions, from colorectal cancer to inflammatory bowel diseases and chronic anemia. Through advanced data collection and processing algorithms, HemoLens uses nothing but a smartphone and external LED to achieve sensitivities comparable to some laboratory methods, showing promise for broadening the availability of these crucial screenings.

High Energy Li Batteries with Lean Lithium Metal Anodes and Methods for Prelithiation

This technology offers a rechargeable, full lithium metal battery cell with superior stability. This system is composed of lithium metal anode with a carbon-coated copper current collector that is prelithiated (deposited).

High-Throughput Drug Screens on a 3D Tumor-on-a-Chip to Monitor Cancer Cell Viability and Migration

The solution is a three-dimensional human renal cell carcinoma (RCC)-on-a-chip for screening drugs that could be developed as anti-metastasis agents.

High-Throughput Functional Genomics Tools to Assess Cell Migration

The solution is a method that enables massively parallel separation of cells based on their migratory capabilities, allowing for assessment of different types of cell migration including chemotaxis, chemokinesis, amoeboid 3D migration, and galvanotaxis.

Highly Sensitive Multiplex Detection of Microbial Threats Using Non-Standard Nucleic Acids

A novel PCR-based icosaplex (20-plex) assay for detecting multiple microbial threats and antimicrobial resistance genes with high sensitivity and specificity.

Homo-Oligomeric Protein Assemblies

The solution is a novel approach to design polypeptides that form cyclic homo-oligomers, offering potential applications in various fields.

Hydrogel Tubes and Coaxial Fibers from Custom 3D Printed Nozzles

This technology offers a fabrication process for coaxial fibers and hollow tubes with hydrogel compositions. Custom nozzles extrude and cure the hydrogel during the printing process and shows potential in in vitro models.

Improving Efficiency of Auditory Brainstem Response Audiometry Using an Adaptive Procedure

The solution is an algorithm that uses an adaptive Bayesian procedure to optimize the stimulus frequency and level for determining hearing threshold from ABR to improve efficiency of ABR audiometry.

In-situ Imaging and Data Analytics for Coaxial Monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing

This technology offers an in-situ imaging and data analytic method for the coaxial monitoring of laser powder bed fusion. This system can quickly gather data, process its quality and stability, and automatically generate alarms.

Injectable Recombinant Protein-Based Hydrogels for Therapeutic Delivery

The solution is a self-healing protein-based hydrogel that supports minimally invasive cell delivery through catheter injection.

Input Driven Self-Clocked Dynamic Comparator

This technology offers a method to reduce the switching power for a dynamic comparator. It uses an input driven self-clocking mechanism instead of a constant clock that can consume less dynamic power and run faster.

Integrin α4β1-Specific DNA Aptamer Conjugates

A novel DNA aptamer-polymer conjugate designed to selectively bind integrin α4β1 (VLA-4), offering potential treatments for T-cell based autoimmune disorders and T-cell malignancies.

Just in Time Semi-Automated Protein Production

The solution is a novel protocol for making and testing proteins called Just in Time Semi-Automated Protein Production (JIT-SAPP), which allows a single user to produce up to 192 purified proteins in under a week.


LabintheWildTM is a platform for diversifying participation in research for psychology, human-computer interactions and related fields outside of demographics that, while convenient, are often not representative of the global human population. By designing online studies that advertise the opportunity to compare your results to others, intrinsic motivation can replace compensation, leading to participation from over 200 countries and 5 million cumulative study responses without sacrificing the quality of data. In an era reliant on data-driven insights, tools like LabintheWild play a crucial role in understanding human behavior.

Massively Multiplexed Single-Cell Proteomics

This technology is a scalable and massively multiplexed single-cell proteomics approach that leverages combinatorial indexing by split-pooling. The innovation presented here is a novel peptide labeling strategy compatible with fixed, permeabilized cells using biorthogonal chemistry that will covalently attach chemical barcodes.

MEK Inhibition for Treating Darier Disease and Skin Fragility Disorders

A novel therapeutic approach utilizing MEK inhibitors to treat Darier disease and other skin fragility disorders by targeting the underlying molecular pathways.

Metabolite Biomarkers for the Detection of Colorectal Cancer

The technologies offer a simple yet powerful method for identifying serum markers of disease in colon cancer from peripheral blood. These technologies offer high sensitivity and specificity as compared to standard diagnostic methods such as colonoscopy but offer additional utility as they require no in-office clinical procedure. Together, they offer a promising new diagnostic and monitoring tool to support clinical decision making in colon cancer.

Method and Apparatus for Compressed Sensing Analog-to-Digital Conversion

The invention is methods, systems, and devices for compressed sensing analog to digital conversion. Common compressed-sensing techniques are limited by potential inaccuracy and imprecision, power inefficiency, long delays, and large circuit areas. This invention eliminates the issues and provides an efficient and accurate data compression method.

Method for Quantification of Lipoprotein(a)

The innovation offers a reference method for the quantification of lipoprotein(a) in clinical and research applications and serves to broaden the use of Lp(a) as a biomarker in cardiovascular disease outcome measurement and risk assessment.

Microbial Consortia Immobilized Bioreactors

This technology offers a 3D printed hydrogel with two different cell populations embedded. This process can enable large scale production with a tunable approach for co-culture bioprocess applications.

Microdissected “Cuboids” for Microfluidic Drug Testing of Intact Tissues

This device uses a motorized tissue slicer to dissect tissue pieces into sub-millimeter-size cuboidal shapes for screening. This method allows for controlled delivery and testing of different reagents to reduce cytotoxicity testing.

Minibinder-Drug Conjugates Targeting Human EpCAM and PDL1 Receptors for Targeted Cancer Therapy

This technology offers a set of novel polypeptides designed to bind to human EpCAM and PDL1 receptors, offering potential applications in treating cancer, autoimmune diseases, and inflammation.

Mixed Chirality Peptide Macrocycles with Internal Symmetry

This technology leverages computational design to create mixed chirality peptide macrocycles with internal symmetry, offering a new avenue for therapeutic and nanomaterial design.

Model for Surgical Planning and Virtual Surgery for Craniofacial, Sinus, Skull Base and Neurological Surgery

This device uses an algorithm for surgical planning by ranking surgical approaches and a combination of pathways to reach the surgical target, while reducing collateral damage. This method will be more consistent and predictable than the current method of intuition.

Modular Peptide Binding Proteins by Superhelical Matching

The solution is a universal method for de novo design of proteins made of repeating units that bind peptides with repeating sequences, with a one-to-one ratio of protein repeat units and peptide repeats.

Modular Repeat Protein Sculpting Using Rigid Helical Junctions

This technology enables the precise design of large proteins with diverse shapes using rigid helical junctions, facilitating the creation of stable and structurally unique protein assemblies.

Modulating Prime Editing Efficiency Through Epigenetic Reprogramming

The innovation is a method that involves reprogramming the epigenetic environment in the vicinity of a target site to modulate prime editing efficiency.

Multi-Functional Mucosal Vaccine Platform for Enhanced Immunogenicity

A novel mucosal vaccine platform designed to improve mucosal immune responses against infectious diseases through targeted delivery and prolonged stability.

Multiplexed in situ Signal Amplification with Splint Ligation Extension Probes

This innovation describes Splint Ligation Extension (SLX) probes, which are ssDNA probe reagents with a known length and sequence, that can be used to augment RNA FISH, DNA FISH, and IF methods. SLX probes enable absolute quantification of target nucleic acid or protein abundance.

Nanoactuators Based FePd Nanohelices to Initiate Cell Apoptosis

This technology offers a nano-actuator to initiate apoptosis and the removal of cancer cells. The nano-actuators are magnetically propelled to target cells and then oscillate, causing mechanical damage to the cells.

Nanoparticles for Photovoltaic and LED Devices and Methods of Making the Same

This technology addresses the concerns of perovskite semiconductor instability and offers a nanoparticle surface treatment stable for months between -180C and 150C. The nanoparticles are bonded and exhibit electronic communication with over 10% efficiency.

Nasopharyngeal Mirror Device

This technology is a visualization tool for nasopharynx procedures. This system includes a convex mirror with a camera behind it that increases the mirror field of view.

Neural Co-Processor for Restoration and Augmentation of Brain Function

This technology offers a deep recurrent artificial neural network as a co-processor for the brain. This system utilizes artificial neural networks and deep learning to understand behaviors such as neurorehabilitation and augmentation of brain function.

Non-Contact Optical Tissue Formalin Fixation Monitor

This technology offers an automated system for core needle biopsy fixing. A milli-fluidic device formalin fixes the core needle bioposy which leads to consistent fixation for high throughput point-of-care monitoring and pathology.

Novel Nanoparticle Immunogens for Influenza Vaccines

This technology offers a new approach to influenza vaccines using computationally designed nanoparticle immunogens that elicit potent, neutralizing antibodies against influenza viruses.

Omega Muricholic Acid: A Novel PXR Ligand to Treat Hepato-Intestinal Diseases

The innovation offers a novel, murine-specific bile acid known as omega muricholic acid (wMCA). The technology has shown to be a promicing new avenue for the clinical management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Operating Room Cord Organizer

This technology is an automatic cord organizer and retractor that maintains sterility for multiple surgical operations. The device is self-contained and organized within a moveable cart to save physicians time and increase the quality of care with quick access to critical machines.

Operating Room Pedal Organizer

This technology offers an organization system for groups of foot pedals in an operating room. The foot pedals are placed into a rack and remotely controlled during surgical procedure, eliminating cord entanglement and potentially life threatening delays during surgery.

Optimal Charging Algorithms for Vehicle-to-Grid

This device offers a bidirectional power flow for charging electric vehicles. An algorithm is implemented and can return an optimal charging profile to the EV when parked. The algorithms allow service bids from different companies, focus on profiles to fit resources, and more efficient energy management.

Optimizing Network Topology for Collective Communications

A general, highly scalable algorithmic framework is proposed to synthesize a network topology and schedule optimized for a given collective operation run on a network. The approach tailors efficient designs for distributed systems, demonstrating significant performance benefits even for large-scale operations.

Osmotic Processor for Sensitive, Rapid Tuberculosis Detection

Tuberculosis (TB) kills over 1.5 million people a year, 90% of them in developing countries with limited healthcare access. To improve the ease and sensitivity of TB screening, an osmotic processor is developed to concentrate easy-to-collect urine samples, improving the sensitivity of urine-based lateral flow tests by over 100 times.

Pan-Yeast Autonomously Replicating Sequences for Enhanced Plasmid Stability

The technology offers a suite of autonomously replicating sequences (ARS) optimized for stable plasmid replication across multiple yeast species, facilitating genetic research and industrial applications.

Parastomal Hernia Support Harness

This technology offers a simplified hernia belt that is adjustable for comfort and easy use. The hernia belt is composed of a firm panel for abdomen support, dual self-balancing straps to wrap the body, and a panel rotation guided by cables.

Particle Positioning Device With Periodic Dielectric Structure

This technology offers a particle positioning device to trap and fix cell positions on MEMS resonators. The device uses a photonic crystal optical tweezers, MEMS, and microfluidic channels that decrease variable measurements.

Perfect Plane Mechanism

This technology offers a mechanical linkage for perfect movement. This device can be used to move a point in a plane, on a large diameter sphere, or on a line or circle, and combines movement to reduce constraint.

Photopatterned Biomolecule Immobilization to Guide 3D Cell Fate in Natural Protein-Based Hydrogels

The technology is a method using photomediated oxime ligation to covalently decorate naturally derived hydrogels with bioactive proteins, such as growth factors, to spatially control encapsulated cell fate.

Photopatterning of Hydrogel Biomaterials

The solution is a generalizable and intuitive strategy using lasers to print 3D non-discrete patterns across cellular scales in biomaterials.

Printed Energy Harvesting Wearables

This technology utilizes composite materials as the fabric additive to enable the development of stretchable high-performance thermoelectric power generators. The durability of the wearable device is improved by undergoing 15,000 stretching cycles without mechanical or electrical failure.

Programmable Genome Editing Using Molecular Proximity Sensors

The innovation is a strategy called P3 editing, which links protein-protein proximity to the formation of a functional CRISPR-Cas9 dual-component guide RNA.

Programmable Peptide-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks

This technology leverages structured symmetric cyclic peptides to create advanced metal-organic frameworks, offering enhanced stability and versatility.

Protective Monoclonal Antibodies for Reducing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Burden

High-affinity monoclonal antibodies derived from cystic fibrosis patients' B cells show potent activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, offering a promising treatment for vulnerable patients.

Protein Homodimers with Tunable Symmetric Pockets: A Novel Approach to Binding Symmetric Molecules

This technology offers de novo designed protein homodimers with tunable symmetric pockets, enabling the binding of symmetric molecules for diverse applications.

Protein-Based Resins for Additive Manufacturing

This technology is a methacrylated bovine serum albumin resin for 3D printed structure that are biocompatible and patterned by light. It can be used for hydrogel resins because it is simple to prepare and biodegradable.

Real-Time Localization Pipeline in Bladder for Tele-Cystoscopy

This technology offers a real-time camera localization method for mapping a featureless bladder surface. This method uses video recordings from a prior cystoscopy and 3D bladder reconstruction to estimate cystoscope pose within the bladder during follow-up telecystoscopy.

Reconfigurable Asymmetric Protein Assemblies

This technology leverages the principles of implicit negative design to create reconfigurable asymmetric protein assemblies, offering a new paradigm in protein design.

Recording Channels for Biopotential Signals

Bidirectional Brain-Computer Interface research is limited by the need for device architectures thar can facilitate scientific inquiry into human brain function. This technology offers a digital register to record channels in combination with techniques to enable a multiplexing Bidirectional Brain-Computer interface.

Reinvigorated Cyclic Ruthenium Initiators for Enhanced Ring-Expansion Metathesis Polymerization

This technology offers a tethered ruthenium-based initiator for common linear polymerizations. This system improves polymerization kinetics for initiator stability and enables more versatility.

Reprogrammable Metasurfaces

This technology offers reprogrammable metasurfaces for tailoring mechanical material properties. This system is rapid and repeatable to fit new applications, eliminating redesign.

Repurposing Combinations of Approved Drugs for Viral Outbreak Response and Readiness

The collection of technologies offers a simple yet powerful method for identifying combinations of previously FDA approved drugs with synergistic activity against viral infections. The technology is available for immediate use in preparation IND-enabling studies in high impact viral disease areas.

Residency Matching Optimization

The algorithm of matching residency programs with medical students has remained unchanged for decades. By considering the preferences of both parties and computing a globally optimal pairing, this technology improves residency match results while increasing the efficiency of the process.

Retina Template Matching in Teleophthalmology

RetinaMatch is an efficient and accurate retinal matching technique that uses adapter-based optics in a smartphone and can lead to proper care and diagnoses for teleophthalmology. This technology offers high quality images to mitigate misdiagnoses and address the challenge of automated retinal image matching and registration.

Safe Photo-Thermal Release Medical Tape

This technology is a temperature sensitive photo-release tape that adheres to human skin to reduce the risk of medical-adhesive-related skin injuries. The tape is composed of a temperature sensitive polymer and a near-infrared absorbing layer for thermal feedback.

Secretion-Optimized Protein Nanoparticles for Eukaryotic Expression and Genetic Delivery

This technology offers innovative protein nanoparticles designed for efficient secretion in eukaryotic cells, enhancing genetic delivery and therapeutic applications.

Security for Augmented Reality Applications

Augmented reality (AR) applications are becoming increasingly pervasive in our modern world. This innovation addresses the critical challenges in the management of AR security, including input/output management, the resolution of conflicts between content and the real world, and the running of concurrent AR applications.

Self Interference Cancellation from a Wireless Transmitter to Receiver

This technology cancels the leakage in a transceiver, a component that transmits signal, by eliminating interference issues. This improves the signal to noise ratio, allowing the receiver to detect weak signals.

Self-Administered Critical Flicker Frequency Test

This innovation is a portable, self-administered Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF) test designed for screening neurological conditions like Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy. By making the test more accessible and affordable, it opens up avenues for more widespread screening and monitoring of MHE and other neurological conditions.

Sensing From Everting Tube Robots

This technology offers a freely everting tube robot that can sense acoustic signals and pressure changes. It can limit insertion forces and the spread of bacteria in sensitive biological environments.

Small Molecule Inhibitors for the Treatment of Epilepsy

The solution is a potential new therapeutic target related to inhibition of specific regulators of the WNT pathway that can prevent and/or treat epilepsy.

Smart Multifunction Toilet Wheelchair

This technology offers a smart multifunctional wheelchair system for wheelchair users to have safe and easy use in public restrooms. This system includes an input user interface, sensors, transforming mechanism, and control units with voice recognition.

SmartCane: Sensing and Providing Biofeedback at Target Axial Load

Smart Cane is a technology that offers assistance and feedback to cane users for proper long-term use. This is designed to provide real-time biofeedback via a vibration based on the patient’s body weight support on the cane.

Smartphone Camera Oximetry for Hypoxemia Screening

This application harnesses a convolutional neural network to analyze blood-oxygen saturation data captured by smartphone cameras, achieving clinical-grade accuracy in blood-oxygen saturation monitoring. It represents a significant advancement in mobile health diagnostics, enabling precise, non-invasive respiratory screening.

Solid State Battery Cathodes

This technology offers mixed conductive interphases for solid state batteries without the issues of ceramic cathodes. The system is thin, percolative, and can be formed in-situ by a low-melting-point sintering additive with a ten-times and three-times area capacity improvement over the state-of-the-art cathodes.

Spatial Multiplexing with Fluorescent “Rings”

The innovation is a highly multiplexed spatial imaging approach that only requires a single round of imaging. The cellular biomarkers are labeled using a distinct fluorescent signal pattern, a fluorescent “ring”, that is deposited in situ at the site of each targeted biomolecule.

Spent Coffee Ground Biochar

This technology offers a method to convert and upcycle spent coffee grounds into a biochar capable of removing contaminants from water. Compared to activated carbon, it significantly reduces the carbon footprint by not generating greenhouse gasses.

SpyLigation: Spatiotemporal Control of Protein Function

The innovation is a method to activate protein function near-instantaneously and irreversibly in response to light, accomplished through genetically encoded triggered protein-protein ligation reactions. This method, known as light-activated SpyLigation (LASL), stably re-assembles bioactive proteins from non-functional split fragment pairs following brief exposure to light.

Stream Wise Vortex Fire Extinguisher for Space Environments

This technology offers a new type of fire extinguisher for use in microgravity environments. This system can mitigate fire in space by using vortex generators to quench flames with sufficient speed and strength.

Structure from Motion Reconstruction of Laryngotracheal Surfaces

The solution is the use of an image processing technique, called structure from motion (SfM), to reconstruct 3D surface renderings of the pediatric larynx and trachea from clinical endoscopy videos.

Surface-Passivated Silicon Quantum Dot Phosphors

This technology offers a synthesis of brightly fluorescent colloidal silicon quantum dots that are low cost and produced at a large-scale compared to conventional methods that are high cost and toxic from heavy metal ingredients. The method involves electrochemical etching of silicon wafers to produce silicon nanoparticles that are heavy metal free, chemically stable, and economically viable.

Synchronized Suction-Injection Angioscope

This technology offers an angioscope that uses a catheter to view, diagnose, and treat Chronic Total Occlusions (CTO). This method would provide the potential with a faster procedure and faster CTO clearance.

Synthetic Genetic Platform in Yeast and Methods of Use

This technology offers engineered signaling of the auxin response from the plant Arabidopsis into yeast called AuxInYeast. This device can rapidly quantify auxin and the impact of a given sequence on transcription where inventors can “humanize” the circuit. AuxInYeast can mitigate the slow and high throughput of small molecule testing for drug candidates.

Syphilis Diagnostic Assay by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

The solution is a rapid assay that targets nucleic acids of the causative organism of syphilis, Treponema pallidum, to diagnose syphilis quickly and accurately.

System and Method for Diagnostic Imaging of a Biopsy from a Coring Needle

This technology offers a rapid biopsy system for disease diagnosis using an inserted sheathed coring needle and a custom millifluidics chip. This biopsy can be removed and undamaged after tissue imaging.

System and Method for Ranking Bacterial Activity Leading to Tooth and Gum Disease

This technology optically measures pH to detect bacterial infections that cause tooth and gum diseases. The system emits an excitation light at the teeth of a patient and uses a detector to measure the light and process the yields with machine learning for early-stage enamel demineralization.

System, Device, And Method For Biopsy Removal From Needles Into A Fluidic Device

This technology offers a method for removing core needle biopsy form a core sample needle. A millifluidic design retains orientation, shape, and structure of the tissue for consistent biopsy sampling and processing.

Systems and Methods for Deep Brain Stimulation Using Beta Burst Feedback

Existing implantable neurostimulators treat a variety of neurological disorders via open-loop stimulation and are typically non-rechargeable where invasive surgery is necessary to replace the device. To addresses this concern, this technology is an open-loop brain stimulator with real-time communication. This device offers a long battery life, limiting invasive surgery and provides a new method for calculating deep brain stimulation.

Systems and Methods for Deep Brain Stimulation Using Kinematic Feedback for Treatment of Movement Disorders

This technology offers the statistical analysis of gait parameters, a motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease. This system conducts deep brain stimulation and adapts its response with the stimulation frequency varying between low (i.e. 60 Hz) and high (>130 Hz) frequencies to improve gait.

Targeted Protein Degradation in Bacteria Contributes to Antibiotic Efficacy

The solution is a method to develop new antibiotic proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) that target proteins of interest for degradation in bacteria to counteract antibiotic resistance.

Targeting von Willebrand Factor to Model Disease in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

The disclosed technology offers a CRISPR-Cas9 generated, isogenic hPSC-EC in-vitro model for studying disease dynamics and therapeutic candidates for VWF-deficient diseases such as Von Willebrand disease (VWD).

Tethered Capsule Endoscope for Barrett's Esophagus Screening

This technology is a tethered-capsule endoscope that observes Barrett's Esophagus, a pre-cancerous condition of the lower esophagus. The device is a capsule that scans the esophagus to detect a characteristic dark pink color indicative of BE when swallowed and positioned.

ThermoTape: High Adhesion Medical Tape with Switchable Ahesion for Injury-Free Release

ThermoTape is a temperature sensitive photo-release tape that adheres to human skin to reduce the risk of medical-adhesive-related skin injuries.

Transferrin Receptor-Binding Aptamers for Cancer Cell Depletion in Adoptive T-Cell Therapy

Innovative DNA aptamers that bind to the transferrin receptor (TfR1) offer a novel method for depleting cancer cells from therapeutic cell populations, enhancing the safety and efficacy of adoptive T-cell therapies. Additionally, these aptamers may be used for targeted delivery via the transferrin receptor.

Treating Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Heart Failure

This technology targets the root cause of heart failure by employing nicotinamide riboside (NR) to protect mitochondrial function and reduce inflammation, and normalizing MRPP2 levels to improve mitochondrial DNA processing, offering a potential avenue to reverse the course of heart failure.

Treponema Pallidum-Specific Aptamers for Syphilis Diagnostics

The solution is the development of Treponema pallidum-specific aptamers to be used in accurate point-of-care diagnostic assays for syphilis.

Twisted MoTe2 Bilayer Device for Qubit Technologies

In the quest to unlock the potential of quantum computing, researchers have delved into the realm of quantum materials seeking to harness their unique properties such as the quantum Hall effect. This technology demonstrates the long-predicted fractional quantum anomalous hall effect, using twisted bilayers of molybdenum ditelluride in a novel multi-gate transistor device to demonstrate the effect in practice. This technology shows vast potential as a laboratory for experimenting with the fractional quantum anomalous hall effect, and as a transformative innovation working towards realizing a topological quantum computer.

Two-Component Co-Assembling Two-Dimensional Protein Structures

This technology involves the creation of two-dimensional protein structures using two distinct polypeptides that form rigid interfaces, offering enhanced control and functionality.

Ultrasonic Levitation for Microwell Plates

This technology aims to bring sensitivity in robotic manipulation to general-use robots previously matched only by specialized surgical tools. Using ultrasonic waves, the contactless approach allows the picking up and moving of small, delicate objects only millimeters in size.

Using Supplemental Encrypted Signals to Mitigate Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on Teleoperated Systems

Teleoperated robotics need an increased security system to avoid misuse, tampering, and harmful security threats. This technology offers a mitigation system that protects against replay, spoofing, false data injection, and man-in-the-middle attacks using two independent detection systems. This multi-detector system uses encrypted signals to control inputs in the operators’ remote devices’ that will quickly and reliably detect malicious feedbacks.

Utilizing Variant Transcripts of PSEN2 for Diagnosis and Treatment of Tauopathies

The solution is an alternatively spliced exon in PSEN2 that leads to an aberrant protein product, providing a potential target for therapeutic intervention for sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease.

Vortex Control on Engine Nacelle Strake and Other Vortex Generators

This technology offers a system for controlling fluid flow over surfaces. It has a decreased peak cycle temperature that has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions and aircraft noise.

WatchLink: Enhancing Smartwatches with Sensor Add-Ons via ECG Interface

WatchLink uses the electrocardiogram (ECG) interface built into smartwatches to integrate various external wearable sensors, expanding the health monitoring capabilities of the smartwatch with minimal added power and cost requirements.

Z-Ring Wearable Sensor

The Z-Ring is a wearable input technology that leverages bio-impedance sensing to facilitate a wide range of interactions, including gesture input, object recognition, user identification, and interaction with passive user interfaces.

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